Possibilities and Limitations of Sleep Monitoring with Smartwatches

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Author: Isaak Rabinovic

January 11, 2024 / Image by Luke Chesser from Unsplash


In a world increasingly dominated by technology and a fast-paced lifestyle, more and more people want to monitor their sleep. In doing so, they gain insights into their health and well-being. Many use smartwatches, which now offer features for sleep analysis.

What is Good Sleep?

Good sleep is essential for our health and is defined by sufficient duration, continuity, and a healthy progression of various sleep phases. Sleep phases are different stages of sleep that vary in depth and activity. The ideal duration of sleep varies individually, similar to food intake, and depends on various factors such as age and gender. A commonly cited but controversial benchmark is 7.5 hours of sleep. The findings on the individuality of the required sleep duration are supported by the National Sleep Foundation – an organization based in the United States that deals with sleep and sleep disorders.

What are the Consequences of Poor Sleep?

Optimal sleep quality requires sufficient time in deep sleep and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, which are crucial for physical and mental recovery. Disruptions in these sleep phases lead to fatigue, reduced cognitive performance, and health problems.

How Do Smartwatches Measure Sleep?

Smartwatches are currently unable to determine individual sleep needs. However, they use sensors to detect movements, heart rate, and in some models even skin temperature. From this, they derive sleep patterns by using a combination of sensors and advanced algorithms:

-Accelerometer and Gyroscope: These sensors are used to detect fine body movements. They identify turns and breathing movements during sleep.

-Heart Rate Sensor: By monitoring the heart rate, the smartwatch differentiates between various sleep phases.

-Breathing Frequency Analysis: By analyzing movements caused by breathing, the smartwatch estimates breathing frequency and body position.

Early Detection and Improvement of Sleep Disorders

An essential advantage of smartwatches is the early detection of sleep disorders based on monitored data. Users can observe and adjust their sleep duration based on personal feelings and data from the smartwatch to improve their sleep hygiene.

Medical Expertise in Sleep Disorders

The interpretation of a smartwatch is not suitable when medical conditions or health limitations are present. In such cases, it is important to consult doctors, as they possess specialized knowledge and more accurate measurement methods. For example, if someone suffers from sleep apnea, a smartwatch alone cannot provide the necessary diagnosis and treatment. A doctor, on the other hand, can conduct a professional examination and possibly a sleep study to identify the exact sleep disorder and recommend appropriate measures.

The Future of Smartwatches

Market revenues and associated investments in smartwatches are significantly increasing, and the integration of artificial intelligence technology is leading to further advancements in sleep analysis. Researchers at Google, for example, are working on identifying various sleep phases using artificial intelligence algorithms.


